Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Join ACCC Membership *New Member 新会员Membership Renewal 会员更新Type of Membership (if the family children's age is over 18, he/she shall register as individual member) *Individual 个人Family 家庭Enduring Member 永久会员Associate Member 非华裔会员Membership Renewal 会员更新 / Member Number 会员号码If you apply for a new member, fill in N/A Name 姓名 (English Only) *FirstLastDate of Birth *Residential Address 住址街道号码 *Postcode *Post Address (if applicable) 通讯地址Mobile 手机 *Email 邮箱 *Family members included in application. Name, Date of Birth, Relationship to the main applicant 包括在申請表內的家庭成員, 姓名,生日,与主申请人关系: *Children included in this application must be under 18 and living with their parent(s) 包括在申請標內小孩滿18歲以下且與夫母同住Application Date 申请日期Annual Fee 每年会费 *$10 Individual 个人 & Senior(over65)岁以上$20 Family 家庭Free Enduring Members (Brick holders)永久会员For New Application ONLY 只适用于新加入会员- Sponsor Name & Address 第一推荐人姓名及地址 *For New Application ONLY 只适用于新加入会员- Seconder Name & Address 第二推荐人姓名及地址Direct Credit ANZ ACCC Account - 06-0101-0300774-00 , put your phone number as reference *PaidNot yetPlease send your payment to Auckland Chinese Community CentreWhat's the online payment reference you put in?Submitting this form means that you (and family members included on this application) consent to being a member of the ACCC. *I consentSubmit