2023 Auckland Chineswe Community Cup Table Tennis Team Tournament Application Form

With three players on one team, the team application fee is $45. ACCC member teams are free of charge

Celebration dinner: $30 per player; ACCC will subsidise $10 for each one; if any family member wants to join the dinner, it’s $40 per person.


一支球队三名球员,球队申请费为 $45 。屋仑会员球队免交报名费。

庆祝晚宴:每位球员$30; 屋仑每人补贴$10; 如果有家庭成员想参加晚宴,每人$40

The payment shall be made to

Auckland Chinese Community Centre

            ANZ bank:  06-0101-0300774-00

            Ref: your name and mobile number 请提供姓名和手机号码

A, B, and C – each class has eight teams. The registration will be closed at any time when the team’s number is full.

A, B, C 组各8只球队,报名额满为截止。比赛不分年龄组,详细比赛规则稍后公布。

Any question, please contact Bo Li ,  022 111 6868